Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Traveling in the Time of Covid

Since I was traveling during the pandemic, I was keeping an eye on how Colombia was handling covid. After all, masks and safety and needing covid tests, were one of things that made this trip different from trips in the past.

From what I saw, Colombia was taking covid very seriously. In Medellin everyone even wore masks outside and in most places most people did. It felt safe and like there wasn’t as much conflict. (Somehow they understand that mask go over one’s nose!) Store security greeted customers at shop doors with sanitizing spray bottles in many places and portable hand washing sinks were set out in public places. Signage was abundant. Some places asked for vaccines for entry, but not that many, though I was told it is the law at restaurants. Colombia was hit very hard in the first wave, with 130,000 deaths in their 52 million population, and they clearly are trying to stave off more illness and death. Case numbers were very low when I got there, but when I just checked, it looks like now, a week after I left case numbers are going up again.

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