Sunday, August 08, 2021

Barcelona, Spain in the time of Covid

I love travel because it gives me a chance to fully engage my curious mind and to get out of my daily rhythm and dive into to learning about somewhere else. On this trip I was observing another city and trying to experience travel itself during covid to see how another place was coping. I took advantage of cheap airfares and spent a long weekend walking all over the city. As for why now, I have never been to Barcelona, because I have always heard there were too many tourists. Well, as soon as covid hit and I saw pictures on the news of empty sites in Europe, I thought this was my chance to visit Barcelona and boy was I right. There were enough tourists for places to feel lively but not desperate, and so many that I couldn't see the amazing sites without fighting a crowd.

I mostly went to Barcelona to look at architecture. During the Pandemic long long walks outside are the safe thing to do and Barcelona buildings are a real spectacle. I could always see some ornate building in the distance that tempted me to walk and walk. It's interesting to see a much longer span of historical building styles than we have in the US. We are such a young country and Europe’s long life span always inspires me.While