Sunday, October 18, 2020

Open House New York 5 Borough Scavenger Hunt

 Yesterday my friend Leigh Montville and I participated in an Open House New York Scavenger Hunt. We were given a set of clues, did our research, learning some interesting NY facts, and then set off to visit sites all over the city. I loved going from neighborhood to neighborhood and seeing just how different each part of New York is. Highlights included a hot dog and a walk on the Coney Island Boardwalk (and bumping into friends there, because NY is that small. 😍), seeing the Verrazano Bridge from the Staten Island waterfront, watching the sheer joy of folks in BedStuy as they roller discoed around the new Black Lives Matter Open Street, and participating in an art/democracy project in front of Brooklyn Public Library. I really ❤️ you, New York. #ALLInNYC

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