Friday, May 20, 2016

Visiting the Giza Pyramids - the Last Surviving Wonder of the Ancient World

I was told by some that seeing the Egyptian Pyramids is a bit of a let down after seeing so many pictures and I wasn't sure what to expect. In one way, I think those people were right since I knew exactly what they looked like, so that wasn't quite as dramatic as I expected. Instead I think what was interesting was seeing in person something I have heard so much about in the past. When they pop up out of the Giza skyline I couldn't help but get excited. And although my attraction to Egypt at this time was that tourism was so far down and I was hoping to have the place to myself like I had read about, I think the fact that the main complex was actually really busy may have added to the experience. I arrived at the same time as at least 100 people dressed in neon green and their excitement reminded me what an unusual opportunity this was. The horses and camels for rent we moving all over the site and people were climbing everywhere and I just couldn't miss that this place was special. 

The best and most impressive part to me is that there are many pyramids in the valley. You can see them on the horizon from huge distances away. Some are soaring and some look more like piles of stones and they are all different sizes, but altogether they are quite a sight.

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