Sunday, January 08, 2012

Feeling like a Superstar in Indonesia

My white face sticks out in many of the places I travel to, but something special happens in Indonesia.  I was warned ahead of time but it happened even more than I suspected.  What, you ask? I was made feel like a glamorous beautiful superstar!  Yes, on a recent trip to Borobudur, a soaring ancient Buddhist temple I was constantly asked to be in photos.

I think the bombardment is more here because it seems like Indonesia has a swelling middle class and with that many many more people with cameras who want my moviestar like mug on them.

All I can say it is was loads of fun and now that I have reached touristy Bali where I am just another common looking face, I miss it.


Jane said...

The same thing happens in China, often. During the 2008 Olympics, my white friends were constantly asked if someone could take a picture with them.

Cordelia said...

Yes, I've experienced it in China and India, but there was something bigger and more ego boosting here. It might be the wonderful joyful giggles of the girls.