Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Farewell 2024, Its been Grand!

Cutting it to the wire for my annual photo collage highlighting big moments in my year. All in all 2024 was a decent year. A few things could have worked out better. President Harris??? But when I look back I spent lots of time with friends, got to continue to do good fulfilling work in NoHo and continued to keep my mind open and try new things.
Happy New Year! May good things lie ahead for us all!

Happy New Year’s from Biggar, Scotland


Happy New Year’s from Biggar, Scotland.

In many countries, December 31 is known as New Year’s Eve; in Scotland, it’s Hogmanay. The celebration involves torchlight processions, bonfires, bagpipes, fireworks, lively street parties, several.
Historians believe that many fascinating Hogmanay customs and traditions have their roots in pagan festivals such as the Norse Winter Solstice, the Viking Yule, and the Gaelic Samhain.
Also!!! Scotland’s influence on New Year's Eve extends across the world as the famous Scottish poet, Robert Burns, wrote (in 1788) the famous 'Auld Lang Syne' which is sung with such gusto when the clock strikes midnight, wherever you may be.