Is it really the end of 2021 already? Each year seems to speed by faster and faster, plus the distortion of time due to the Pandemic. And then add Omicron which makes it feel like March 2020 all over again.
So how do I summarize 2021??? Basically every day feels like I’m adjusting to a “new normal” that never feels normal at all. I’m still running the NoHo Business Improvement District, where I’m responsible for keeping the streets clean and safe and supporting businesses by connecting them to helpful resources and to each other, especially as they tried to adapt to covid. Unlike so many others, I still go into the office almost every day for which I’m grateful, since I get to observe all the changes taking place from multiple locations and perspectives and interact in person with people. I am grateful for the new flexibility to work from home some days though. Mostly the Pandemic has made my job feel more meaningful. While there is a lot more stress there also has been an increased sense of purpose.
I did manage to travel a bit. The safest thing to do in covid times is walk outside, which made trips to architecturally beautiful cities like Charleston, South Carolina and Barcelona, Spain perfect destinations, especially with the dramatic drop in tourism so I could have them to myself. I also went to South Dakota to search out another face of America. Additionally I went to Tampa for a BID conference and once again felt so grateful for the power of in-person connecting. And now I am ending the year with two weeks in Colombia, which both felt irresponsible during the Omicron rise and to be the best thing to do since NYC feels scary as my friends all test positive. Colombia is warm and wonderful and their covid numbers are way down, so bring on the adventure.
Other 2021 highlights included digging more deeply into Queens, while helping at a food pantry and making some significant cross cultural connections. I continue to feel grateful to live in such a diverse community, where 167 languages are spoken and a trip to the grocery store can sometimes feel like travel to a far off world, but mostly just feels like home.
I always end my letters reminding everyone to venture out of their comfort zones and live life. It feels even more important during COVID when so many are laying low. Be safe but be brave and keep getting out experiencing new things. This Pandemic might be around for a while. Don’t lose any more time.
May much brighter days lie ahead in 2022!
Click the links to access my Facebook photo albums for the various places I have traveled to this year.