At a World Food Program feeding site in Benin |
Why I Travel #1: To Think, Process and Feel
The other thing about
traveling alone is that I have a lot of time to think, process, write...
In real life, I fill my time and my head so much that sometimes I don't
let myself sit back and reflect and feel. Reflecting is not always fun
but it is necessary. Every so often I need a check in.
When I
travel my feelings are much more present. Sometimes I get really lonely,
but then out of the darkness, I sit next to someone and have the most
inspiring conversation and suddenly feel deeply connected. Or I feel
frustrated and lost, but just as I am about to crumble, I turn a corner
and discover something magical and new. It teaches me about
possibilities and reminds me how easy it is to survive the extremes.
Why I Travel #2: It Opens Me Up
In my
daily life in New York, I don't have that many chances to talk to random
strangers. We all know that it's a bit frowned upon to sit down next
to someone on the subway and strike up a conversation. It doesn't mean
it never happens, it's just not encouraged and my behavior has adapted
to it.
The opposite is true with the kind of travel I do. When traveling I
strike up conversations with everyone. I have lots of short genuine
interactions. I feel open and constantly connected. I love it. As an
extrovert, I get my energy from others and fresh random
conversations are like crack for me.
The funny part is when I get
home and I find myself chatting in the subway with mixed results. I
try to find tourists to target, so that they think all New Yorkers are
that open and friendly.
Meeting Iraqis in Iran. Stereotypes be gone! |
Why I Travel #3: To Meet People From All Over The World
know that it might sound funny that living in New York doesn't put me
in contact with people from all over the world, but it really doesn't. I
love travel because I not only get to meet people and learn about the
culture of the country I am visiting, but I also get to meet people from
many other countries.
Over the years I have learned that Aussies
speak practically a totally different English. That I feel deeply
connected to Brits. That the French have a very inquisitive eye. I have heard about places I have never knew existed
before. And I have made real friendships out of it. I have visited
friends I met traveling in London (2), China, Tunisia, Indonesia, and
Greece. Plus I have hosted people from Switzerland and Austria in NY. This past year,
I loved getting birthday greetings from across the world and
particularly from Australia so many hours before my birthday was even
happening in my time zone.
And most importantly I have been able
to share my reflections and examine my American bias. It helps
me understand the world better and understand what I am seeing better.
worry though, my volunteer activity with Big Apple Greeters taking
tourists out on personalized tours of New York gives me a chance to meet
at least a few folks in my home town too.
North Korea really blew my mind |
Why I Travel #4: To See/Learn/Experience and Understand Other Worlds
most obvious reason I travel is that I am an experiential learner. I
can read tons of books and watch lots of movies and tv, but I can't really
understand a place till I've been there. Suddenly when I set foot in a
country everything I have read comes to life and I have a bottomless
desire to read more and understand a country better. History in books
tends to go in and out of my brain too easily, but somehow if I am
walking on the same ground as historical figures, I can absorb all the
As a current events junkie, I love news, but often
I feel the US news doesn't give enough context or cover the full story,
so instead I fly off to Afghanistan to hear about life after the
Taliban. Or to Israel/Palestine to see the wall and feel the distinct
separate feeling on each side of it. Or to Iran, where I met Iranians
and saw just how different they were from the way they are covered in
our press.
It all started when I was in high school learning
about the The Soviet Union and the Cold War and just having a hard time
buying what I was hearing. My dad was Russian and had a PhD in Russian
Studies so I asked him if I could go visit and meet real Russians. He
said yes and boy did I learn a lot. Yes communism was different and
parts of the Soviet system were shocking to my American Capitalist self,
but I also got to meet many young Russians who seemed to have dreams
just like me. I got to basically see that the world is very complex and
nuanced. I haven't stopped traveling since.