Cutting it to the wire for my annual photo collage highlighting big moments in my year. All in all 2024 was a decent year. A few things could have worked out better. President Harris??? But when I look back I spent lots of time with friends, got to continue to do good fulfilling work in NoHo and continued to keep my mind open and try new things.
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Farewell 2024, Its been Grand!
Cutting it to the wire for my annual photo collage highlighting big moments in my year. All in all 2024 was a decent year. A few things could have worked out better. President Harris??? But when I look back I spent lots of time with friends, got to continue to do good fulfilling work in NoHo and continued to keep my mind open and try new things.
Happy New Year’s from Biggar, Scotland
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Political Campaigning in Michigan
Spending a week in Michigan door knocking for Kamala was fantastic! Rhea and I volunteered at 4 offices: Detroit, Southfield, Ann Arbor and Saginaw. It was political tourism at its best. We knocked on 409 doors and got to meet lots of people, hear about local issues and explore the state. We also got to meet lots of other energetic volunteers. Michiganders are friendly and willing to talk no matter what side they were on.
Monday, October 28, 2024
Dabls Mbad African Bead Museum - A Detroit Creative Treasure
Detroit always has sweet little surprises. Today I visited Dabls Mbad African Bead Museum and got a chance to the artist who has spent years creating the art and selling LOTS of beads from around the world.
The story is 23 years ago Olayami Dabls came to the corner of Grand River and West Grand Blvd with a vision to create a space for his community to understand the immense power of their African heritage.
Occupying almost an entire city block, the Dabls Mbad African Bead Museum houses 18 outdoor installations as well as the African Bead Gallery, N'kisi House and African Language Wall.
It all was WOW!
Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Seattle Pictures
I hadn’t been to Seattle since 1991. It was great to come to explore the new parts of the city and visit so many neighborhoods. It’s a great city! Thanks International Downtown Association for having your annual conference there and giving me a chance to visit again.
Tuesday, September 10, 2024
Seattle's Working Waterfront
Sunday, May 26, 2024
Travels in Japan
I’ve been back for 7 weeks and I still can’t get Japan out of my mind. I keep wondering what it was that grabbed me so hard. While the architecture, history, people, temples and shrines were different and enjoyable to see, they aren’t it. I think it’s that I’m a curious person who is constantly looking for little new to me things. In Japan they were everywhere. The workings of comprehensive transit system was fascinating. One example is that every metro station plays a different jingle before they close the train doors in station. The food was so varied and the little sweets were cute, pretty and unusual and everything was cheap and fresh. I could walk through the food halls for days and never get enough. Quality of life stuff that NY struggles so much with like garbage are organized and practically invisible. I mean, they don’t even put corner cans out and Japanese carry their trash home to dispose of properly!
Saturday, May 25, 2024
Cherry Blossoms
The cherry blossoms finally started blooming, 15 days late! giving me a chance to see how locals celebrate Sakura. The tradition is picnicking in the parks under the blossoms. It was also the first warm weather after a long hard winter, so the parks were packed!! It’s quite a scene.
Japan Transit is AMAZING!
There were so many interesting aspects of Japan and I’m going to try to share and process my thoughts on here.
Yummy Yummy Food in Japan
Talking about trash in Japan
Japan Has The Best Bathrooms!
Friday, May 24, 2024
Visiting Koyosan, the center of Shingon Buddhism, an important Buddhist sect which was introduced to Japan in 805. It’s a small, secluded temple town has developed around the sect's headquarters on a wooded mountaintop. There are over one hundred temples making Koyasan one of the best places to experience an overnight stay at a temple lodging. I was able to get a taste of a monk's lifestyle, eat vegetarian monk's cuisine, which had lots of variety of tastes to try and attend the morning prayers. Getting there included a train, to a cable car up the mountainside to a bus to bring us to the town.
Bikes in Japan
Biking is a big thing in Japan. There were bikes and bike parking infrastructure everywhere. Like NY, Tokyo seems to be struggling with making enough room for bike lanes, and instead bikers ride on the crowded sidewalks. It stressed me out! It was cute though to see folks with their big shopping bags in bike baskets after doing their errands, or toting around a couple kids in various attached bike seats.
Youth Culture, Manga/Anime and Fashion.
Osaka, Japan
After 10 days in and around Tokyo, I finally hopped on a bullet train and whizzed to Osaka, Japan’s second largest city. It’s known to be more vivacious and the people are known for their sense or humor and more outgoing friendly demeanor. It was fire bombed in WWII and thus built back after with what must have been extensive help from the US, because some of its streets look very similar to parts of Chicago and Park Avenue in NY.
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Showing NYC Love in Tokyo
Saturday, March 30, 2024
Japan Knows How to do Hospitality!
When I found TWO charging cables for the first time in a hotel room ever, I felt the need to put out ALL the things that my last hotel of the trip provides us for my memories. They think of everything. Other highlights… fresh pressed pajamas, used drip bag tray with the kettle, water cup with a LID, make up mirror, shoe horn, two pairs of slippers, face cleanser, oil, milk and lotion, plus the two sided pillow (bean on one side, firm on the other.) Japan is awesome! #stuffimgoingtomiss